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Lista de líderes da Major League Baseball em strikeouts
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Lista de líderes da Major League Baseball em strikeouts

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Nolan Ryan teve 5714 strikeouts na carreira, o maior número na história da MLB e mais de 800 do que o segundo colocado (Randy Johnson).

No beisebol, um strikeout é uma estatística usada para avaliar os arremessadores. Um arremessador recebe o crédito de strikeout quando ele elimina o rebatedor que estava enfrentando jogando a bola através da zona de strike, "definida como a área acima do home plate (sic) o limite superior é uma linha horizontal no ponto médio entre a parte superior dos ombros e na parte superior da calça do uniforme, e o nível mais baixo é uma linha abaixo da rótula", e que não seja posta em jogo. São premiados com strikeouts em quatro situações: se o rebatedor é eliminado em um terceiro strike pego pelo receptor ("strike out com swing" ou "strike out looking" (sem swing)); se o arremessador arremessa um terceiro strike não pego com menos que dois eliminados; se o rebatedor se tornar um corredor em base em um terceiro strike não pego; ou se o rebatedor tentar um bunt que acabe em foul ball com dois strikes.

A Major League Baseball reconhece o jogador ou jogadores em cada liga com mais strikeouts em cada temporada. Jim Devlin liderou a Liga Nacional em sua temporada inicial de 1876; conseguiu 122 strikeouts jogando pelo Louisville Grays. O primeiro vencedor da Liga Americana foi o arremessador membro do Hall of Fame Cy Young, que venceu a Tríplice Coroa da Liga Americana em 1901 eliminando por strike 158 rebatedores, além de liderar a liga em vitórias e ERA.Walter Johnson liderou a Liga Americana em strikeouts 12 vezes durante sua carreira. Na sequência está Nolan Ryan, que conseguiu 11 títulos em ambas ligas (9 na Liga Americana e 2 na Liga Nacional).Randy Johnson venceu nove títulos em strikeout, incluindo cinco com o time de sua terra natal Arizona Diamondbacks. Três jogadores venceram sete títulos em strikeouts: Dazzy Vance, que liderou a Liga Nacional;Bob Feller; e Lefty Grove.Grover Cleveland Alexander e Rube Waddell lideraram suas ligas por seis vezes, e vencedores por cinco vezes incluem Steve Carlton,Roger Clemens,Sam McDowell,Christy Mathewson,Amos Rusie, e Tom Seaver.

Existem diversos jogadores que alegadamente detém o recorde em strikeouts em temporada única. Entre as grandes ligas reconhecidas, Matt Kilroy acumulou o mais alto total em temporada única, com 513 strikeouts jogando pelo Baltimore Orioles da American Association em 1886. Entretanto, seu nome não aparece na lista de líderes da Major League Baseball, desde que a American Association era independente das ligas constituídas que hoje fazem parte da Major League Baseball. Diversos outros jogadores com totais altos, incluindo o vice-campeão de 1886 pela American Association, Toad Ramsey (499) e o líder em 1884 pela Union Association Hugh Daily (483), também não aparecem. Na Liga Nacional, Charles "Old Hoss" Radbourn eliminou por strike 441 rebatedores pelo Providence Grays; entretanto, a franquia Providence foi descontinuada e não teve sucessor. Portanto, a Major League Baseball reconhece seu vice-campeão daquela temporada, Charlie Buffinton, como o detentor do recorde com 417 strikeouts. Na Liga Americana, Ryan lidera com 383 strikeouts em 1973. A maior margem entre os campeões e vice-campeões na luta pelo título foi de 156 strikeouts, alcançado em 1883 quando Tim Keefe jogado pelo New York Metropolitans da American Association conseguiu 359 strikeouts contra 203 de Bobby Mathews. Na Liga Nacional a maior margem foi atingida em 1999, quando Randy Johnson eliminou por strike 143 jogadores a mais que Kevin Brown. A margem de Ryancom em 1973 com 125 strikeouts sobre Bert Blyleven é a melhor vitória da Liga Americana. Embora empates sejam raros, já ocorreram; Claude Passeau e Bucky Walters eliminaram cada um 137 jogadores na Liga Nacional em 1939, e Tex Hughson e Bobo Newsom empataram na Liga Americana com 113 strikeouts cada em 1942. Seus totais são o mais baixo número de strikeouts acumulados a liderar na história da MLB.


Ano Em que ano a temporada da MLB ocorreu
Líder Jogador com o mais alto número de strikeouts na liga
K Número de strikeouts
Vice-campeão Jogador com o segundo maior total de strikeouts na liga
Liga Denotado apenas para jogadores que atuaram fora das grandes ligas modernas
Membro do National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

Liga Nacional

Grover Cleveland Alexander liderou a Liga Nacional em strikeouts seis vezes em nove temporadas.
Amos Rusie led the National League in strikeouts a total of five times with two different teams.
From 1903 to 1908, Christy Mathewson led the National League in strikeouts in five of six years.
Membro do Hall of Fame Sandy Koufax liderou a Liga Nacional em strikeouts quatro vezes antes de se aposentar aos 30 anos.
Aaron Harang derrotou Jake Peavy na luta pelo título em strikeouts em 2006 por apenas um strikeout.
Jake Peavy's 240 strikeouts in 2007 led all National League pitchers; his 2007 season marks the most recent pitching triple crown.
Tim Lincecum liderou a Liga Nacional em strikeouts em 2008, 2009 e 2010.
Ano Líder K Time Vice-campeão K Ref
1876 Devlin, JimJim Devlin 122 Louisville Grays Bradley, GeorgeGeorge Bradley 103
1877 Bond, TommyTommy Bond 170 Boston Red Caps Devlin, JimJim Devlin 141
1878 Bond, TommyTommy Bond 182 Boston Red Caps White, WillWill White 169
1879 Ward, John MontgomeryJohn Montgomery Ward 239 Providence Grays White, WillWill White 232
1880 Corcoran, LarryLarry Corcoran 268 Chicago White Stockings McCormick, JimJim McCormick 260
1881 Derby, GeorgeGeorge Derby 212 Detroit Wolverines McCormick, JimJim McCormick 178
1882 Radbourn, CharlesCharles Radbourn 201 Cleveland Spiders McCormick, JimJim McCormick 200
1883 Whitney, JimJim Whitney 345 Boston Beaneaters Radbourn, CharlesCharles Radbourn 315
1884 Radbourn, CharlesCharles Radbourn 441 Providence Grays Buffinton, CharlieCharlie Buffinton 417
1885 Clarkson, JohnJohn Clarkson 308 New York Giants Welch, MickeyMickey Welch 258
1886 Baldwin, LadyLady Baldwin 323 Detroit Wolverines Clarkson, JohnJohn Clarkson 313
1887 Clarkson, JohnJohn Clarkson 237 Chicago White Stockings Keefe, TimTim Keefe 189
1888 Keefe, TimTim Keefe 335 New York Giants Clarkson, JohnJohn Clarkson 223
1889 Clarkson, JohnJohn Clarkson 284 Boston Beaneaters Keefe, TimTim Keefe 225
1890 Rusie, AmosAmos Rusie 341 New York Giants Hutchinson, BillBill Hutchinson 289
1891 Rusie, AmosAmos Rusie 337 New York Giants Hutchinson, BillBill Hutchinson 261
1892 Hutchinson, BillBill Hutchinson 314 Chicago White Stockings
Rusie, AmosAmos Rusie 304
1893 Rusie, AmosAmos Rusie 208 New York Giants Kennedy, BrickyardBrickyard Kennedy 107
1894 Rusie, AmosAmos Rusie 195 New York Giants Breitenstein, TedTed Breitenstein 140
1895 Rusie, AmosAmos Rusie 201 Cleveland Spiders Nichols, KidKid Nichols 148
1896 Young, CyCy Young 140 Cleveland Spiders Hawley, PinkPink Hawley 137
1897 Doc McJames
Cy Seymour
156 Washington Senators
New York Giants
Corbett, JoeJoe Corbett 149
1898 Seymour, CyCy Seymour 239 New York Giants McJames, DocDoc McJames 178
1899 Hahn, NoodlesNoodles Hahn 145 Cincinnati Reds Seymour, CyCy Seymour 142
1900 Hahn, NoodlesNoodles Hahn 132 Cincinnati Reds Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 130
1901 Hahn, NoodlesNoodles Hahn 239 Cincinnati Reds Donovan, BillBill Donovan 226
1902 Willis, VicVic Willis 225 Boston Beaneaters White, DocDoc White 185
1903 Mathewson, ChristyChristy Mathewson 267 New York Giants McGinnity, JoeJoe McGinnity 171
1904 Mathewson, ChristyChristy Mathewson 212 New York Giants Willis, VicVic Willis 196
1905 Mathewson, ChristyChristy Mathewson 206 New York Giants Ames, RedRed Ames 198
1906 Beebe, FredFred Beebe 171 Chicago Cubs
St. Louis Cardinals
Pfeffer, FrancisFrancis "Big Jeff" Pfeffer 158
1907 Mathewson, ChristyChristy Mathewson 178 New York Giants Ewing, BobBob Ewing 147
1908 Mathewson, ChristyChristy Mathewson 259 New York Giants Rucker, NapNap Rucker 199
1909 Overall, OrvalOrval Overall 205 Chicago Cubs Rucker, NapNap Rucker 201
1910 Moore, EarlEarl Moore 185 Philadelphia Phillies Mathewson, ChristyChristy Mathewson 184
1911 Marquard, RubeRube Marquard 237 New York Giants Alexander, Grover ClevelandGrover Cleveland Alexander 227
1912 Alexander, Grover ClevelandGrover Cleveland Alexander 195 Philadelphia Phillies Hendrix, ClaudeClaude Hendrix 176
1913 Seaton, TomTom Seaton 168 Philadelphia Phillies Tesreau, JeffJeff Tesreau 167
1914 Alexander, Grover ClevelandGrover Cleveland Alexander 214 Philadelphia Phillies Tesreau, JeffJeff Tesreau 189
1915 Alexander, Grover ClevelandGrover Cleveland Alexander 241 Philadelphia Phillies Tesreau, JeffJeff Tesreau 176
1916 Alexander, Grover ClevelandGrover Cleveland Alexander 167 Philadelphia Phillies Cheney, LarryLarry Cheney 166
1917 Alexander, Grover ClevelandGrover Cleveland Alexander 200 Philadelphia Phillies Vaughn, HippoHippo Vaughn 195
1918 Vaughn, HippoHippo Vaughn 148 Chicago Cubs Cooper, WilburWilbur Cooper 117
1919 Vaughn, HippoHippo Vaughn 141 Chicago Cubs Eller, HodHod Eller 137
1920 Alexander, Grover ClevelandGrover Cleveland Alexander 173 Chicago Cubs Burleigh Grimes
Hippo Vaughn
1921 Grimes, BurleighBurleigh Grimes 136 Brooklyn Robins Cooper, WilburWilbur Cooper 134
1922 Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 134 Brooklyn Robins Cooper, WilburWilbur Cooper 129
1923 Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 197 Brooklyn Robins Luque, DolfDolf Luque 151
1924 Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 262 Brooklyn Robins Grimes, BurleighBurleigh Grimes 135
1925 Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 221 Brooklyn Robins Luque, DolfDolf Luque 140
1926 Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 140 Brooklyn Robins Root, CharlieCharlie Root 127
1927 Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 184 Brooklyn Robins Root, CharlieCharlie Root 145
1928 Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 200 Brooklyn Robins Malone, PatPat Malone 155
1929 Malone, PatPat Malone 166 Chicago Cubs Clark, WattyWatty Clark 140
1930 Hallahan, BillBill Hallahan 177 St. Louis Cardinals Vance, DazzyDazzy Vance 173
1931 Hallahan, BillBill Hallahan 159 St. Louis Cardinals Hubbell, CarlCarl Hubbell 155
1932 Dean, DizzyDizzy Dean 191 St. Louis Cardinals Hubbell, CarlCarl Hubbell 137
1933 Dean, DizzyDizzy Dean 199 St. Louis Cardinals Hubbell, CarlCarl Hubbell 156
1934 Dean, DizzyDizzy Dean 195 St. Louis Cardinals Mungo, VanVan Mungo 184
1935 Dean, DizzyDizzy Dean 190 St. Louis Cardinals Hubbell, CarlCarl Hubbell 150
1936 Mungo, VanVan Mungo 238 Brooklyn Dodgers Dean, DizzyDizzy Dean 195
1937 Hubbell, CarlCarl Hubbell 159 New York Giants Grissom, LeeLee Grissom 149
1938 Bryant, ClayClay Bryant 135 Chicago Cubs Derringer, PaulPaul Derringer 132
1939 Passeau, Claude; Walters, BuckyClaude Passeau
Bucky Walters
137 Cincinnati Reds
Philadelphia Phillies
Chicago Cubs
Cooper, MortMort Cooper 130
1940 Higbe, KirbyKirby Higbe 137 Philadelphia Phillies Claude Passeau
Whit Wyatt
1941 Vander Meer, JohnnyJohnny Vander Meer 202 Cincinnati Reds Wyatt, WhitWhit Wyatt 176
1942 Vander Meer, JohnnyJohnny Vander Meer 186 Cincinnati Reds Cooper, MortMort Cooper 152
1943 Vander Meer, JohnnyJohnny Vander Meer 174 Cincinnati Reds Cooper, MortMort Cooper 141
1944 Voiselle, BillBill Voiselle 161 New York Giants Lanier, MaxMax Lanier 141
1945 Roe, PreacherPreacher Roe 148 Pittsburgh Pirates Gregg, HalHal Gregg 139
1946 Schmitz, JohnnyJohnny Schmitz 135 Chicago Cubs Higbe, KirbyKirby Higbe 134
1947 Blackwell, EwellEwell Blackwell 193 Cincinnati Reds Branca, RalphRalph Branca 148
1948 Brecheen, HarryHarry Brecheen 149 St. Louis Cardinals Barney, RexRex Barney 138
1949 Spahn, WarrenWarren Spahn 151 Boston Braves Newcombe, DonDon Newcombe 149
1950 Spahn, WarrenWarren Spahn 191 Boston Braves Blackwell, EwellEwell Blackwell 188
1951 Don Newcombe
Warren Spahn
164 Brooklyn Dodgers
Boston Braves
Maglie, SalSal Maglie 146
1952 Spahn, WarrenWarren Spahn 183 Boston Braves Rush, BobBob Rush 157
1953 Roberts, RobinRobin Roberts 198 Philadelphia Phillies Erskine, CarlCarl Erskine 187
1954 Roberts, RobinRobin Roberts 185 Philadelphia Phillies Haddix, HarveyHarvey Haddix 184
1955 Jones, SamSam Jones 198 Chicago Cubs Roberts, RobinRobin Roberts 160
1956 Jones, SamSam Jones 176 Chicago Cubs Haddix, HarveyHarvey Haddix 170
1957 Sanford, JackJack Sanford 188 Philadelphia Phillies Moe Drabowsky
Dick Drott
1958 Jones, SamSam Jones 225 Chicago Cubs Spahn, WarrenWarren Spahn 150
1959 Drysdale, DonDon Drysdale 242 Los Angeles Dodgers Jones, SamSam Jones 209
1960 Drysdale, DonDon Drysdale 246 Los Angeles Dodgers Koufax, SandySandy Koufax 197
1961 Koufax, SandySandy Koufax 269 Los Angeles Dodgers Williams, StanStan Williams 205
1962 Drysdale, DonDon Drysdale 232 Los Angeles Dodgers Koufax, SandySandy Koufax 219
1963 Koufax, SandySandy Koufax 306 Los Angeles Dodgers Maloney, JimJim Maloney 265
1964 Veale, BobBob Veale 250 Pittsburgh Pirates Gibson, BobBob Gibson 245
1965 Koufax, SandySandy Koufax 382 Los Angeles Dodgers Veale, BobBob Veale 276
1966 Koufax, SandySandy Koufax 317 Los Angeles Dodgers Bunning, JimJim Bunning 252
1967 Bunning, JimJim Bunning 253 Philadelphia Phillies Jenkins, FergusonFerguson Jenkins 236
1968 Gibson, BobBob Gibson 268 St. Louis Cardinals Jenkins, FergusonFerguson Jenkins 260
1969 Jenkins, FergusonFerguson Jenkins 273 Chicago Cubs Gibson, BobBob Gibson 269
1970 Seaver, TomTom Seaver 283 New York Mets Bob Gibson
Ferguson Jenkins
1971 Seaver, TomTom Seaver 289 New York Mets Jenkins, FergusonFerguson Jenkins 263
1972 Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 310 Philadelphia Phillies Seaver, TomTom Seaver 249
1973 Seaver, TomTom Seaver 251 New York Mets Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 223
1974 Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 240 Philadelphia Phillies Messersmith, AndyAndy Messersmith 221
1975 Seaver, TomTom Seaver 243 New York Mets Montefusco, JohnJohn Montefusco 215
1976 Seaver, TomTom Seaver 235 New York Mets Richard, J. R.J. R. Richard 214
1977 Niekro, PhilPhil Niekro 262 Atlanta Braves Richard, J. R.J. R. Richard 214
1978 Richard, J. R.J. R. Richard 303 Houston Astros Niekro, PhilPhil Niekro 248
1979 Richard, J. R.J. R. Richard 313 Houston Astros Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 213
1980 Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 286 Philadelphia Phillies Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 200
1981 Valenzuela, FernandoFernando Valenzuela 180 Los Angeles Dodgers Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 179
1982 Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 286 Philadelphia Phillies Soto, MarioMario Soto 274
1983 Carlton, SteveSteve Carlton 275 Philadelphia Phillies Soto, MarioMario Soto 242
1984 Gooden, DwightDwight Gooden 276 New York Mets Valenzuela, FernandoFernando Valenzuela 240
1985 Gooden, DwightDwight Gooden 268 New York Mets Soto, MarioMario Soto 214
1986 Scott, MikeMike Scott 306 Houston Astros Valenzuela, FernandoFernando Valenzuela 242
1987 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 270 Houston Astros Scott, MikeMike Scott 233
1988 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 228 Houston Astros Cone, DavidDavid Cone 213
1989 DeLeon, JoseJosé DeLeón 201 St. Louis Cardinals Belcher, TimTim Belcher 200
1990 Cone, DavidDavid Cone 233 New York Mets Dwight Gooden
Ramón Martínez
1991 Cone, DavidDavid Cone 241 New York Mets Maddux, GregGreg Maddux 198
1992 Smoltz, JohnJohn Smoltz 215 Atlanta Braves Cone, DavidDavid Cone 214
1993 Rijo, JoseJosé Rijo 227 Cincinnati Reds Smoltz, JohnJohn Smoltz 208
1994 Benes, AndyAndy Benes 189 San Diego Padres Rijo, JoseJosé Rijo 171
1995 Nomo, HideoHideo Nomo 236 Los Angeles Dodgers Smoltz, JohnJohn Smoltz 193
1996 Smoltz, JohnJohn Smoltz 276 Atlanta Braves Nomo, HideoHideo Nomo 234
1997 Schilling, CurtCurt Schilling 319 Philadelphia Phillies Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez 305
1998 Schilling, CurtCurt Schilling 300 Philadelphia Phillies Brown, KevinKevin Brown 257
1999 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 364 Arizona Diamondbacks Brown, KevinKevin Brown 221
2000 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 347 Arizona Diamondbacks Park, Chan HoChan Ho Park 217
2001 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 372 Arizona Diamondbacks Schilling, CurtCurt Schilling 293
2002 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 334 Arizona Diamondbacks Schilling, CurtCurt Schilling 316
2003 Wood, KerryKerry Wood 266 Chicago Cubs Prior, MarkMark Prior 245
2004 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 290 Arizona Diamondbacks Sheets, BenBen Sheets 264
2005 Peavy, JakeJake Peavy 216 San Diego Padres Carpenter, ChrisChris Carpenter 213
2006 Harang, AaronAaron Harang 216 Cincinnati Reds Peavy, JakeJake Peavy 215
2007 Peavy, JakeJake Peavy 240 San Diego Padres Harang, AaronAaron Harang 218
2008 Lincecum, TimTim Lincecum 265 San Francisco Giants Dan Haren
Johan Santana
Edinson Volquez
2009 Lincecum, TimTim Lincecum 261 San Francisco Giants Vazquez, JavierJavier Vázquez 238
2010 Lincecum, TimTim Lincecum 231 San Francisco Giants Halladay, RoyRoy Halladay 219
2011 Kershaw, ClaytonClayton Kershaw 248 Los Angeles Dodgers Lee, CliffCliff Lee 238
2012 Dickey, R.A.R.A. Dickey 230 New York Mets Kershaw, ClaytonClayton Kershaw 229
2013 Kershaw, ClaytonClayton Kershaw 232 Los Angeles Dodgers Lee, CliffCliff Lee 222
2014 Johnny Cueto
Stephen Strasburg
242 Cincinnati Reds
Washington Nationals
Kershaw, ClaytonClayton Kershaw 239
2015 Kershaw, ClaytonClayton Kershaw 301 Los Angeles Dodgers Scherzer, MaxMax Scherzer 276
2016 Scherzer, MaxMax Scherzer 284 Washington Nationals Fernández, JoséJosé Fernández 253
2017 Scherzer, MaxMax Scherzer 268 Washington Nationals deGrom, JacobJacob deGrom 239
2018 Scherzer, MaxMax Scherzer 300 Washington Nationals deGrom, JacobJacob deGrom 269
2019 deGrom, JacobJacob deGrom 255 New York Mets Strasburg, StephenStephen Strasburg 251

Liga Americana

Rube Waddell liderou a Liga Americana em strikeouts por seis temporadas consecutivas (1902–1907).
Além de liderar a Liga Americana em strikeouts 12 vezes em sua carreira e vencer três Tríplices Coroas, Walter Johnson foi um dos cinco a ser parte do Hall of Fame.
Em 1908 e 1911, Ed Walsh foi o campeão em strikeouts da Liga Americana.
Jim Bunning foi duas vezes campeão em strikeouts da Liga Americana; ficou em segundo lugar por quatro vezes.
Três vezes campeão em strikeouts, Johan Santana venceu a última Tríplice Coroa da Liga Americana em 2006.
Os 239 strikeouts de Scott Kazmir o fizeram líder da Liga Americana em 2007.
A. J. Burnett venceu o título em strikeouts da Liga Americana em 2008.
Justin Verlander também a Liga Americana em vitórias e entradas jogadas em 2009 2009.
Ano Líder K Time Vice-campeão K Ref
1901 Young, CyCy Young 158 Boston Americans Patterson, RoyRoy Patterson 127
1902 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 210 Philadelphia Athletics Young, CyCy Young 160
1903 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 302 Philadelphia Athletics Donovan, BillBill Donovan 187
1904 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 349 Philadelphia Athletics Chesbro, JackJack Chesbro 239
1905 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 287 Philadelphia Athletics Eddie Plank
Cy Young
1906 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 196 Philadelphia Athletics Falkenberg, CyCy Falkenberg 178
1907 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 232 Philadelphia Athletics Walsh, EdEd Walsh 206
1908 Walsh, EdEd Walsh 269 Chicago White Sox Waddell, RubeRube Waddell 232
1909 Smith, FrankFrank Smith 177 Chicago White Sox Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 164
1910 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 313 Washington Senators Walsh, EdEd Walsh 258
1911 Walsh, EdEd Walsh 255 Chicago White Sox Wood, JoeJoe Wood 231
1912 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 303 Washington Senators Wood, JoeJoe Wood 258
1913 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 243 Washington Senators Cy Falkenberg
Vean Gregg
1914 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 225 Washington Senators Mitchell, WillieWillie Mitchell 179
1915 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 203 Washington Senators Faber, RedRed Faber 182
1916 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 228 Washington Senators Myers, ElmerElmer Myers 182
1917 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 188 Washington Senators Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 150
1918 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 162 Washington Senators Shaw, JimJim Shaw 129
1919 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 147 Washington Senators Shaw, JimJim Shaw 128
1920 Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski 133 Cleveland Indians Williams, LeftyLefty Williams 128
1921 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 143 Washington Senators Shocker, UrbanUrban Shocker 132
1922 Shocker, UrbanUrban Shocker 149 St. Louis Browns Faber, RedRed Faber 148
1923 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 130 Washington Senators Joe Bush
Bob Shawkey
1924 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 158 Washington Senators Ehmke, HowardHoward Ehmke 119
1925 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 116 Philadelphia Athletics Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson 108
1926 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 194 Philadelphia Athletics Uhle, GeorgeGeorge Uhle 159
1927 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 174 Philadelphia Athletics Walberg, RubeRube Walberg 136
1928 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 183 Philadelphia Athletics Pipgras, GeorgeGeorge Pipgras 139
1929 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 170 Philadelphia Athletics Earnshaw, GeorgeGeorge Earnshaw 149
1930 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 209 Philadelphia Athletics Earnshaw, GeorgeGeorge Earnshaw 193
1931 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 175 Philadelphia Athletics Earnshaw, GeorgeGeorge Earnshaw 152
1932 Ruffing, RedRed Ruffing 190 New York Yankees Grove, LeftyLefty Grove 188
1933 Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez 163 New York Yankees Hadley, BumpBump Hadley 149
1934 Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez 158 New York Yankees Bridges, TommyTommy Bridges 151
1935 Bridges, TommyTommy Bridges 163 Detroit Tigers Rowe, SchoolboySchoolboy Rowe 140
1936 Bridges, TommyTommy Bridges 175 Detroit Tigers Allen, JohnnyJohnny Allen 165
1937 Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez 194 New York Yankees Newsom, BoboBobo Newsom 166
1938 Feller, BobBob Feller 240 Cleveland Indians Newsom, BoboBobo Newsom 226
1939 Feller, BobBob Feller 246 Cleveland Indians Newsom, BoboBobo Newsom 192
1940 Feller, BobBob Feller 261 Cleveland Indians Newsom, BoboBobo Newsom 164
1941 Feller, BobBob Feller 260 Cleveland Indians Newsom, BoboBobo Newsom 175
1942 Tex Hughson
Bobo Newsom
113 Boston Red Sox
Washington Senators
Al Benton
Phil Marchildon
1943 Reynolds, AllieAllie Reynolds 151 Cleveland Indians Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser 144
1944 Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser 187 Detroit Tigers Trout, DizzyDizzy Trout 144
1945 Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser 212 Detroit Tigers Potter, NelsNels Potter 129
1946 Feller, BobBob Feller 348 Cleveland Indians Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser 275
1947 Feller, BobBob Feller 196 Cleveland Indians Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser 176
1948 Feller, BobBob Feller 164 Cleveland Indians Lemon, BobBob Lemon 147
1949 Trucks, VirgilVirgil Trucks 153 Detroit Tigers Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser 144
1950 Lemon, BobBob Lemon 170 Cleveland Indians Reynolds, AllieAllie Reynolds 160
1951 Raschi, VicVic Raschi 164 New York Yankees Wynn, EarlyEarly Wynn 133
1952 Reynolds, AllieAllie Reynolds 160 New York Yankees Wynn, EarlyEarly Wynn 153
1953 Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 186 Chicago White Sox Trucks, VirgilVirgil Trucks 149
1954 Turley, BobBob Turley 185 Baltimore Orioles Wynn, EarlyEarly Wynn 155
1955 Score, HerbHerb Score 245 Cleveland Indians Turley, BobBob Turley 210
1956 Score, HerbHerb Score 263 Cleveland Indians Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 192
1957 Wynn, EarlyEarly Wynn 184 Cleveland Indians Bunning, JimJim Bunning 182
1958 Wynn, EarlyEarly Wynn 179 Chicago White Sox Bunning, JimJim Bunning 177
1959 Bunning, JimJim Bunning 201 Detroit Tigers Pascual, CamiloCamilo Pascual 185
1960 Bunning, JimJim Bunning 201 Detroit Tigers Ramos, PedroPedro Ramos 160
1961 Pascual, CamiloCamilo Pascual 221 Minnesota Twins Ford, WhiteyWhitey Ford 209
1962 Pascual, CamiloCamilo Pascual 206 Minnesota Twins Bunning, JimJim Bunning 184
1963 Pascual, CamiloCamilo Pascual 202 Minnesota Twins Bunning, JimJim Bunning 196
1964 Downing, AlAl Downing 217 New York Yankees Pascual, CamiloCamilo Pascual 213
1965 McDowell, SamSam McDowell 325 Cleveland Indians Lolich, MickeyMickey Lolich 226
1966 McDowell, SamSam McDowell 225 Cleveland Indians Kaat, JimJim Kaat 205
1967 Lonborg, JimJim Lonborg 246 Boston Red Sox McDowell, SamSam McDowell 236
1968 McDowell, SamSam McDowell 283 Cleveland Indians McLain, DennyDenny McLain 280
1969 McDowell, SamSam McDowell 279 Cleveland Indians Lolich, MickeyMickey Lolich 271
1970 McDowell, SamSam McDowell 304 Cleveland Indians Lolich, MickeyMickey Lolich 230
1971 Lolich, MickeyMickey Lolich 308 Detroit Tigers Blue, VidaVida Blue 301
1972 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 329 California Angels Lolich, MickeyMickey Lolich 250
1973 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 383 California Angels Blyleven, BertBert Blyleven 258
1974 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 367 California Angels Blyleven, BertBert Blyleven 249
1975 Tanana, FrankFrank Tanana 269 California Angels Bert Blyleven
Gaylord Perry
1976 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 327 California Angels Tanana, FrankFrank Tanana 261
1977 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 341 California Angels Leonard, DennisDennis Leonard 244
1978 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 260 California Angels Guidry, RonRon Guidry 248
1979 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 223 California Angels Guidry, RonRon Guidry 201
1980 Barker, LenLen Barker 187 Cleveland Indians Norris, MikeMike Norris 180
1981 Barker, LenLen Barker 127 Cleveland Indians Burns, BrittBritt Burns 108
1982 Bannister, FloydFloyd Bannister 209 Seattle Mariners Barker, LenLen Barker 187
1983 Morris, JackJack Morris 232 Detroit Tigers Bannister, FloydFloyd Bannister 193
1984 Langston, MarkMark Langston 204 Seattle Mariners Stieb, DaveDave Stieb 198
1985 Blyleven, BertBert Blyleven 206 Cleveland Indians
Minnesota Twins
Bannister, FloydFloyd Bannister 198
1986 Langston, MarkMark Langston 245 Seattle Mariners Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 238
1987 Langston, MarkMark Langston 262 Seattle Mariners Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 256
1988 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 291 Boston Red Sox Langston, MarkMark Langston 235
1989 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 301 Texas Rangers Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 230
1990 Ryan, NolanNolan Ryan 232 Texas Rangers Witt, BobbyBobby Witt 221
1991 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 241 Boston Red Sox Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 228
1992 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 241 Seattle Mariners Perez, MelidoMélido Pérez 218
1993 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 308 Seattle Mariners Langston, MarkMark Langston 196
1994 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 204 Seattle Mariners Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 168
1995 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 294 Seattle Mariners Stottlemyre, ToddTodd Stottlemyre 205
1996 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 257 Boston Red Sox Finley, ChuckChuck Finley 215
1997 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 292 Toronto Blue Jays Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 291
1998 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 271 Toronto Blue Jays Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez 251
1999 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez 313 Boston Red Sox Finley, ChuckChuck Finley 200
2000 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez 284 Boston Red Sox Colon, BartoloBartolo Colón 212
2001 Nomo, HideoHideo Nomo 220 Boston Red Sox Mussina, MikeMike Mussina 214
2002 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez 239 Boston Red Sox Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 192
2003 Loaiza, EstebanEsteban Loaiza 207 Chicago White Sox Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez 206
2004 Santana, JohanJohan Santana 265 Minnesota Twins Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez 227
2005 Santana, JohanJohan Santana 238 Minnesota Twins Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson 211
2006 Santana, JohanJohan Santana 245 Minnesota Twins Bonderman, JeremyJeremy Bonderman 202
2007 Kazmir, ScottScott Kazmir 239 Tampa Bay Devil Rays Santana, JohanJohan Santana 235
2008 Burnett, A. J.A. J. Burnett 231 Toronto Blue Jays Santana, ErvinErvin Santana 214
2009 Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 269 Detroit Tigers Greinke, ZackZack Greinke 242
2010 Weaver, JeredJered Weaver 233 Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Hernandez, FelixFélix Hernández 232
2011 Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 250 Detroit Tigers Sabathia, CCCC Sabathia 230
2012 Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 239 Detroit Tigers Scherzer, MaxMax Scherzer 231
2013 Darvish, YuYu Darvish 277 Texas Rangers Scherzer, MaxMax Scherzer 240
2014 Price, DavidDavid Price 271 Detroit Tigers Kluber, CoreyCorey Kluber 269
2015 Sale, ChrisChris Sale 274 Chicago White Sox Archer, ChrisChris Archer 252
2016 Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 254 Detroit Tigers Chris Archer
Chris Sale
2017 Sale, ChrisChris Sale 308 Boston Red Sox Kluber, CoreyCorey Kluber 265
2018 Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 290 Houston Astros Cole, GerritGerrit Cole 276
2019 Cole, GerritGerrit Cole 326 Houston Astros Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 300

Outras grandes ligas

Ano Líder K Time Liga Vice-campeão K Ref
1882 Mullane, TonyTony Mullane 170 Louisville Eclipse American Association Salisbury, HarryHarry Salisbury 135
1883 Keefe, TimTim Keefe 359 New York Metropolitans American Association Mathews, BobbyBobby Mathews 203
1884 Hecker, GuyGuy Hecker 385 Louisville Eclipse American Association Henderson, HardieHardie Henderson 346
1884 Daily, HughHugh Daily 483 Chicago Browns
Washington Nationals
Union Association Sweeney, BillBill Sweeney 374
1885 Morris, EdEd Morris 298 Pittsburgh Alleghenys American Association Mathews, BobbyBobby Mathews 286
1886 Kilroy, MattMatt Kilroy 513 Baltimore Orioles American Association Ramsey, ToadToad Ramsey 499
1887 Ramsey, ToadToad Ramsey 355 Louisville Eclipse American Association Kilroy, MattMatt Kilroy 217
1888 Seward, EdEd Seward 272 Philadelphia Athletics American Association King, SilverSilver King 258
1889 Baldwin, MarkMark Baldwin 368 Brooklyn Bridegrooms American Association Kilroy, MattMatt Kilroy 217
1890 McMahon, SadieSadie McMahon 291 Philadelphia Athletics
Baltimore Orioles
American Association Stivetts, JackJack Stivetts 289
1890 Baldwin, MarkMark Baldwin 206 Chicago Pirates Players' League King, SilverSilver King 185
1891 Stivetts, JackJack Stivetts 259 St. Louis Browns American Association Knell, PhilPhil Knell 228
1914 Falkenberg, CyCy Falkenberg 236 Indianapolis Hoosiers Federal League Moseley, EarlEarl Moseley 205
1915 Davenport, DaveDave Davenport 229 St. Louis Terriers Federal League Schulz, AlAl Schulz 160



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